Slogan Poems

Text and audio animation, 2 minutes 45 seconds, 2020
Animation production: Joe Fusco / Music: Anatma Sound

Slogan Poems is a visual poetry piece that examines the contradictions between Bayer-Monsanto’s environmental marketing slogans and ongoing pesticide litigation. 

Bayer-Monsanto marketing slogans populate the page in red vertical text.  The surrounding intermittent grey text reflects truncated sentences culled from reporting on Bayer-Monsanto. I reviewed a range of sources, such as The Economist, Reuters, The Guardian, Fox News, Barron, The Atlantic, and Christian Science Monitor. As each red word appears on the screen, light grey text envelopes each phrase creating a new and dissonant meaning. 

Each individual poem is below. Seven poems in total. Click the right arrow to read each one.


Revolutionary Control