Bayer-Monsanto Scramble!

Dry-erase board, dry-erase marker, eraser, floating shelf, 77” x 60”

Life-sized interactive word-search puzzle listing specific words associated with the multi-national merged chemical company Bayer-Monsanto.  As viewers begin to locate words in the puzzle, Bayer-Monsanto’s pervasive connections are brought to light. Also included are printed sheets of Bayer-Monsanto Scramble for takeaway. Print out the puzzle and give it a try!  Hint:  some words are backward.  

Component of Pesticide Pop, NOME Gallery, Berlin, 2020

Stolle_Bayer Monsanto Scramble jeg-page0001.jpg

Monsanto Scramble! 2.0, 2018

Dry-erase board, dry erase marker, eraser, floating shelf

Life-sized interactive word-search puzzle listing specific words associated with the multi-national chemical company Monsanto.  As viewers begin to locate words in the puzzle, Monsanto’s pervasive connections are brought to light. Also included are printed sheets of Monsanto Scramble for takeaway.

Monsanto Scramble!

I have created a customized word search game, listing specific words associated with the multi-national chemical company Monsanto.  As you begin to locate words in the puzzle, Monsanto’s pervasive connections are brought to light.  Print out the puzzle and give it a try!  Hint:  some words are backwards.  

Component of Intervention exhibition. 


No Genetic Dumping Allowed


Deconstructing Janson